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Randall Hall-Walker is Senior Pastor and Founder of Freedom Worship Center of Charlotte. His wife is Birdella Hall-Walker.
He is a graduate of the Detroit Teen Challenge and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ October 15, 1982 while in the program. Detroit Teen Challenge was founded by the late David Wilkerson.
After graduating from Detroit Teen Challenge, he enrolled in Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, ND, then transferred to Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL.
Upon completing his education, he traveled as a full-time Evangelist for two years. He then accepted the position as Pastor of Freedom Worship Center in Sanford, FL for over 21 years.
He enrolled in Partners to the Promise School of Christian Education, grandfathered by Dr. Robyn Gool under the Leadership of Dr. McArthur Sanders.
October of 2015, he received his Doctoral Degree in Divinity from the Saint Thomas Christian University in Jacksonville, FL.
June 12, 2016, he graduated with his Masters Degree from Partners to the Promise School of Christian Education.
June 2, 2019, his wife Birdella received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from Cornerstone Christian University in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Randall Hall-Walker hosts the Journey to Greatness Television show along with his wife.